Thursday, May 6, 2010


Well Avery and I have signed up for some college courses this summer! We will both be very busy between that and work! I am so happy about my grades that I just recieved for my other classes. I am also surprised on how fast the school year went! I know it will be right back here in August though, I am grateful we both have jobs! We are taking a class together and I think it will be fun!


DuncanAndCandice said...

Me and my brother took classes together and it was so nice. We could help each other (or he could cheat) :) Good luck with summer school...

Jessica said...

LOL I love it! It is just an online music class so it wont be very hard for either of us!

bret and family said...

It has been almost 2 months since I checked your blog! Easter looked so fun... was that a egg ramp that I saw? I want one...

Jessica said...

I am not sure if that is what you saw, Avery just told us we had to roll eggs since we never have. We had a HUGE hill and created our own paths it was fun!